Initializing: 2.DarkSouls2GameModeFactory Looking in: C:\Games\Nexus Mod Manager\GameModes Trace file has been created: TraceLog20200301001719.txt
I've attached the trace log at the very end of this issue. I'd appreciate it if someone could help me out here. I set everything up, enabled mods through the INI, then upon trying to activate the mods in Nexus Mod Manager suddenly ran into a problem. Perhaps that's the problem, I'm not exactly sure. Bear in mind I did all this before installing Fallout 4 from steam on my new PC. Through the means of my external hard drive which had all my Fallout 4 and Nexus stuff stored in it (60+Gb worth of mods), I dragged everything I needed to over onto my new PC and ensured everything was in the right location. By 'stuff' I mean mods, saves, Nexus, etc.
I'm not really good at this.) Recently I've upgraded to a new PC, and suffice it to say, I couldn't live without transferring all my Fallout 4 stuff from my old PC to the new one.
Hi all, a bit of a tricky situation here.